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The only comprehensive therapy team in the Big Bend region of Florida specializing in infants

Oral Motor Therapy for Ties (tongue-tie, lip-tie), Feeding Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Lactation Consultation, Infant Massage, as well as Tummy Time! Method, Motor Development and Transitioning to Solids Classes available

What do infant feeding difficulties look like?

Difficulties with breastfeeding and bottle feeding look different. Some indicators your baby my have breastfeeding difficulties include: trouble maintaining an appropriate latch, becoming fussy at the breast, not gaining weight appropriately, and/or pain during breastfeeding. Indicators of bottle feeding difficulties include: clicking sound while drinking, milk coming out of sides of lips, reflux and/or taking a long time to drink.


Click the button below to fill out the feeding questionnaire if you are concerned about your baby's feeding abilities:

What is baby colic?

Baby colic is described as episodes of crying for 3 or more hours, for 3 or more days a week in an otherwise healthy child. The crying is worse in the evening and the baby isn't easily soothed by rocking, singing or even sometimes nursing. The causes of baby colic can vary from excessive gas or swallowing air due to a poor latch. It can be difficult for parents to figure out what the cause of their baby's colic is and how to treat it.

Baby Crawling

What do motor delays look like?

Babies should meet developmental milestones for movement. Typically developing 2 month olds should be able to hold their heads up when on their tummy. Typically developing 4 months olds should be rolling. At 6 months we expect babies to start sitting and at 8 months we expect crawling to begin to develop. Babies can also develop torticollis or plagiocephaly. Both of these conditions are related to movement difficulties and can be resolved with physical therapy. If you are concerned with your child's motor skills, we have a physical therapist and occupational therapist who specialize in working with infants with motor delays.

What is tongue-tie therapy?

Any infant diagnosed with a tongue-tie, lip-tie, or cheek-ties, needs therapy prior to getting those tissues released. Therapy focuses on teaching the baby how to move their oral muscles appropriately beforehand, so that they will know how to move them afterward when they have more freedom of movement. We have speech therapists and occupational therapists on our team who specialize in working with infants with tethered oral tissues (or oral ties).


Infant Feeding Therapy

Baby Colic Help

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